A ‘community’ is a group of people having common interests...
A ‘collaboration’ is a group of people working towards a shared goal...
If the common interest is helping clients improve their ‘Quality of Life’ and the shared goal is using the Bowen Technique to achieve that - then you belong here.
We are founded in the belief “education continues, beyond the classroom” and we, collectively, are dedicated to providing the platform, resources and tools necessary to consistently accomplish the shared ‘goal’ of implementing ‘Client Centric Bowen’ to improve client ‘Quality of Life’.
In a ‘technique centered’ training culture the focus is on TECHNIQUE. Obviously technique has a role to play because without technique we have no tools.
In more than two decades of experience we found technique was really only a very small component of the totality of what we did. Knowledge, awareness and client communications were more foundational to our work and therefore our overall results. Alas we had to learn this as we went along.
Through the creation of a Collaborative and Information based ‘client centric’ environment we aim to improve the outcomes for all participants - practitioners and their clients.
A collaborative knowledge and information centric environment is where:
The culture places a high value on the sharing of knowledge, expertise and experience among all participating practitioners - no-one has all the answers - there is no ‘guru’
A culture of knowledge sharing can lead to increased innovation and problem-solving capabilities, as well as improved decision-making and client communications - better outcomes
A collaborative culture can empower participants to take ownership of their own learning and development on a daily basis - there is always something new to learn, indeed if you participate you can’t help but learn and grow
The fully searchable ‘Knowledge Hub’ and the culture of knowledge and information sharing makes ‘new practitioners’ more effective, more quickly - everyone benefits
In addition to the Knowledge Hub we will provide two Libraries:
Book Library - contains hundreds of books specifically curated to grow knowledge and expertise
Video Library - contains hundreds of videos specifically curated to grow knowledge and expertise
The Knowledge Hub and both Libraries will be available on ALL platforms ALL the time. You can search on anything - anywhere - anytime.
Video/Phone case consulting will be available by appointment.
For those wishing to take their practice beyond whats described above individualized Coaching will be available to a small number of participants upon selection.