Parkinson's disease is a progressive, neuro-degenerative condition, with as yet, no known cure.
The Protocol we created, 12 years ago, is centered on our founding principle:
Our guiding premise is that by making the 'right' choices the body will be able to, at minimum stabilize symptoms and at best reduce even remove symptoms in their entirety - "it doesn't have to be".
The Protocol expands to include:
Don't just play Defense (traditional Medical) - start playing OFFENSE (you have choices)
You are what you believe - don't be a victim of Parkinson's
Transcend the LABEL
Leave NO stone unturned in the pursuit of Quality of Life
The Protocol focuses on:
Nutrition (including appropriate Supplements)
Stress Management
The Bowen Technique has an important roll to play in all of the above:
Creates and maintains 'structural integrity' - improves balance and allows for easier (safer) exercise
Provides quick effective remedial therapy for the hands and feet
Reduces sympathetic nervous system response (fight flight)
Increases parasympathetic nervous system response (healing)
Improves sleep
Reduces stress
Contributes to an overall sense of well-being
Parkinson's Protocol - Your Choice (Overview)
The Parkinson's Playbook: A Game Plan to Put Your Parkinson's On the Defense
by Robert Smith
Publisher: Hatherleigh Press (In partnership with Penguin - Random House)
[This is NOT an AFFILIATE Link]
An Essay on the Shaking Palsy - James Parkinson
TWO HUNDRED YEARS ago, (1817), James Parkinson wrote, the up to then,
definitive work on what was later to become known as Parkinson's Disease.
Publisher: The Project Gutenberg
[This is NOT an AFFILIATE Link]
We are currently undertaking a small, clinical study into the efficacy of High Dose Thiamine [HDT] in people diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. Objective assessment will be undertaken using the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). It is anticipated the study will run through the end of 2024, with results being published in 2025.
The study is divided into three phases:
Injectable Dosing
Oral Dosing
Additional Cellular Metabolism Supplementation
We are currently undertaking preliminary study into the concept of Abnormal Neuronal Synchrony (Abnormal Synaptic Connectivity) and its contribution to Parkinson’s Symptoms. We are looking at the potential offered by Micro Current Electromagnetic Stimulation to accomplish a Neuronal Phase Reset and consequent neuronal desynchronization enabling the brain to rebuild pathways that offer better physiologic behavior - a reduction in Parkinson’s symptoms.